Data submission templates for biodiversity, ecological and collection data

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This page is made to facilitate data submission for scientists interested in depositing their biodiversity / environmental data (occurrence / monitoring data, biological and/or environmental samples).

Your data are already prepared for GFBio?

Go to GFBio submission

Looking for guidance on fields to be filled?

  • The table below shows some examples how other scientists did data submission before.
  • There is a GFBio consensus template listing and explaining all fields that are mandatory for GFBio.
Excel macros you are asked to activate enable input suggestions and mark differing entries.

No template roughly matching your data?

Please do not hesitate to
  • continue your submission nevertheless (so we can look at it, get in contact and find a way)
  • directly ask GFBio for support

The examplary data submission templates listed below are adapted towards certain topics and data center requirements.

The forms

  • are not filled with other people's data
  • are downloadable spreadsheet files commonly used in the involved natural history collections
  • facilitate and accelerate data submission
  • are NOT mandatory for data submission
  • mention everything that is needed to document different kinds of observational data or records on biological and environmental physical samples (voucher objects) along with associated data on geographical and temporal occurrence
  • provide a good basis to be extended by further information you want to mention
Receiving GFBio Data Center Data curational field sample deposition intended File description and download (zip) Notes
BGBM Botany, DNA sample & tissue collections yes BGBM collection data form (.zip, xls included, 1,01 MB) Tutorial(pdf) about the Excel Makro within the BGBM collection data form; if you would like to use the full functionality (e.g. including label printing) please download the BGBM collection data form ZIP-folder (1,01 MB) containing additional wordfiles and short instruction manuals
SGN Botany yes Template for herbarium specimen for Sesam collection (.zip, xls included, 50 KB)
SNSB Botany yes Template for Vascular plants collection data with type information for SNSB (zip, xls included) for type specimens to be deposited in M (SNSB) and MSB with Global Plants Initiative (GPI) compliant information DWB import schema available here
SNSB Botany yes Vascular plants collection data from Munich herbaria (M and MSB) in the context of the Flora von Bayern project for SNSB (zip, xls included); more information DWB import schema available here
SGN Botany no Template for field mapping of pine age structure (zip, contains xlsx file, 18 KB)
SMNS Botany optional Floristic field mapping of Baden-Württemberg (zip with xls, in German, 18 KB) for vascular plants data, optionally with specimens DWB import schema will be published soon
SNSB Botany no Vascular plants occurrence data in the context of the Flora von Bayern project for SNSB (zip with xls) Templates for vascular plants occurrence data for Bavaria (in German), with region-specific taxonomic lists included. DWB import schema here
SNSB Botany no Vascular plants occurrence data in the context of the Flora von Bayern project for SNSB (zip with xls) Template with data entry form for vascular plants occurrence data for Bavaria (in German), with taxonomic reference list of vascular plants from Bavaria and several other thesauri included. DWB import schema here
DSMZ Culture collections yes Microbiological data (zip, xls included, 3.3kB) Template for data for living microbiological cultures
SMNS, SNSB, ZFMK Mycological collections yes Template for BOLD compliant Barcodes for SMNK-GBOL-pucciniales complemented (zip, xls included, 130kB) This template was devoloped for German Barcode of Life project (Pucciniales) by SMNK, but accepted by other natural history collections with DWB installations: SMNS, SNSB and ZFMK. Depending on data, the import may need several steps. Further instructions and information for import into Diversity Collection is available here
SNSB Mycological collections yes Template for Fungal and lichen collection data for SNSB, general (zip, xls included 16 KB) DWB import schema available here
MfN Zoology yes Generic Specify Workbench Import Template (zip, contains xlsx file) A manual will be available soon. For accommodating additional collection data contact the MfN data center.
SMNS, SNSB Zoology (Araneae) yes Template for Spider collection data for SMNS (.zip, xls included, 14.0 KB) DWB import schema available here
SMNS (SNSB, ZFMK) Zoology (Araneae) yes Template for Spider data for SMNK (zip, xls included, 41,5 KB) This template was devoloped by SMNK, but is also used by SMNS and accepted by other natural history collections with DWB installations: SNSB and ZFMK.
SMNS Zoology (Insecta) yes Template for Insect collection data for SMNS (.zip, xls included, 11.0 KB) DWB import schema will be published soon
SNSB Zoology, specimen & tissue collections yes Template for zoological data of specimens and tissues derived from vouchers to be deposited in the ZSM Ichthyology Section ZSM pisces specimen & tissue data form or separately: ZSM pisces specimens data form, ZSM pisces tissues data form (all: zip, xls included) ZSM Ichthyology Section, tested within the DFG-funded project IDES. Help within the collection data form; DWB import schema and further information available here
SNSB Zoology, tissue and DNA sample collections yes Template for zoological collection data for SNSB (zip, xls included) of specimens (vouchers, tissues, DNA samples) together with DNA barcode data BFB BOLD compliant data form 1 (zip, xls included) to be deposited in the ZSM and uploaded to BOLD (minimum requirement) BOLD Systems Specimen Data Submission Protocol; Barcoding Fauna Bavarica project, tested with myriapod data. Help within the collection data form; DWB import schemas and further information available here
SNSB Zoology, tissue and DNA sample collections yes BFB BOLD compliant data form 2 (zip, xls included) for zoological data of specimens (vouchers, tissues, DNA samples) together with DNA barcode data to be deposited in the ZSM and uploaded to BOLD (extended) Barcoding Fauna Bavarica project, tested with insect and myriapod data. Help within the collection data form; DWB import schemas and further information available here
ZFMK Zoological tissue collections yes ZFMK-GBOL DNA Barcode data from BOLD (zip, txt included, 194 kB), compliant with BOLD German Barcode of Life project. Further instructions and information for import into Diversity Collection available here
ZFMK Zoological tissue and mycelial collections yes ZFMK-GBOL zoological tissue collection data form (zip, xls included, 163kB) German Barcode of Life project. Help within the collection data form; further instructions and information for import into Diversity Workbench here
MfN Zoology optional MfN template for occurence data (zip, contains xlsx file) Template for observation data, optionally with related collection objects
SGN Zoology no Template for nutcracker observations (zip, contains xlsx file, 466 KB)

The categories to define a Curational field listed below shall help scientists choosing the kind of collections they would like to deposit data for. More than one choice is possible, e.g. "Zoology" AND "DNA sample collections".

  • Botany
  • Mycology
  • Zoology
  • Microbiology
  • Anthropological collections
  • Paleontological collections
  • Culture collections
  • Tissue collections
  • DNA sample collections
  • Environmental sample collections